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Today, lavender oil benefits your body in the following ways: 

  • Reduces anxiety and emotional stress

  • Heals burns and wounds

  • Improves sleep

  • Restores skin complexion and reduces acne

  • Slows aging with powerful antioxidants

  • Improves eczema and psoriasis

  • Alleviates headaches


Peppermint Oil Benefits

Some of the most common peppermint oil uses include:

  • Reduces stomach aches

  • Soothe digestive issues

  • Freshens bad breath

  • Relieves headaches

  • Antimicrobial properties

  • Improves mental focus

  • Clears respiratory tract

  • Boosts energy

  • Releases tight muscles

  • Cost-effective natural solution to replace pharmaceutical drugs


Lemongrass Essential Oil Benefits

Lemongrass essential oil is a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc and iron.

Some of the most common lemongrass essential oil benefits are:

  • Relieves headaches

  • Reduces stomach aches

  • Alleviates abdominal and muscle pain

  • Kills germs

  • Acts as an astringent

  • Reduces fever

  • Boosts energy

  • Eases digestive tract spasms 


Tea Tree Oil Benefits

While records show that tea tree has been used for thousands of years by some indigenous people, thankfully today science is finally catching up and describing why tea tree oil is so effective. To date, over 327 scientific studies refer to tea tree oil’s antimicrobial prowess alone.

Some of the many traditional uses for tea tree include healing:

  • Acne

  • Bacterial infections

  • Chickenpox

  • Cold sores

  • Congestion and respiratory tract infections

  • Earaches

  • Fungal infections (especially Candida, jock itch, athlete’s foot and toenail fungus)

  • Halitosis (bad breath)

  • Head lice

  • MRSA

  • Psoriasis

  • Dry cuticles

  • Itchy insect bites, sores and sunburns

  • Boils from staph infections

And this list doesn’t even include the many household uses of tea tree oil that can replace store-bought products in your cabinets:

  • Anti-microbial laundry freshener

  • Insect repellant

  • Natural deodorant

  • Acne face wash

  • Removes foot order

  • Removes mold

  • Household cleaner


Top 10 Eucalyptus Oil Uses

Interestingly, small towns in Australia discovered that eucalyptus oil could be converted into a gas to light their homes, hotels and shops. Little did they know that they stumbled upon one of the most powerful forms of natural medicine ever.

Today, eucalyptus oil uses have a broad range of health benefits including:

1. Colds & Flu 

Eucalyptus works as an expectorant and helps cleanse your body of toxins and harmful microorganisms that can make you feel sick. One of the most effective ways to utilize eucalyptus for colds is to drop several drops of the essential oil into your diffuser before going to sleep so you can take advantage of the healing benefits all night long.

For more acute situations, you can make a steam bath by pouring a cup of boiling water into a bowl, and then mix 10 drops of eucalyptus EO, place a towel over your head and inhale deeply for five–10 minutes.

2. Hair Nourishment 

A few drops eucalyptus oil with some coconut or olive oil gives your hair a nice moisturizing pick-me-up. This is especially great to ward off dandruff and an itchy scalp. Also, eucalyptus is used as a natural remedy for lice in replacement of chemical treatments.

3. Hand Cleaner 

Eucalyptus EO is an excellent cleanser to remove grease and grime from your workday and can rejuvenate sore hands and feet when mixed into your salt bath. Simply mix sea salt, epsom salt and eucalyptus oil to remove grease and dirt for good.

4. Sinus and Allergies 

A study from NYU Medical School found that using eucalyptus was effective at treating sinusitis. Patients experienced faster improvement when supplementing with eucalyptus oil for allergies and sinus issues. The study had participants take eucalyptus oil internally, and it’s also recommended to gargle with it to clear the throat.

5. Natural Home Care  

Not only does eucalyptus give a nice, fresh fragrance to your home products, but it adds vital anti-microbial properties as well. You can’t go wrong putting several drops into pretty much everything: soap, laundry detergent, mop water, toilet cleaner, window cleaner … the list goes on!

6. Odor Remover  

Whether you’re battling smelly shoes or a stinky dog bed, topically wash items to remove odors with a wet rag soaked in eucalyptus oil-infused water, and place outside to dry in the sun. This can prevent odors as well as keep the shape intact! You may also mix it with lemon oil or tea tree oil for an anti-stink spray.

7. Air Cleanser

Try putting a few drops into your vacuum and clothes dryer filters to freshen them up and sanitize them a little. Also, it’s great for killing mold in your home, and you can mix eucalyptus with other oils like clove and tea tree oil to cleanse the air and maintain a mold-free home.

8. Spot Remover 

Like lemon essential oil, eucalyptus oil is highly effective at removing spots on your carpet, clothes and basically every fabric you have in the house. It even works to get gum off your shoes! Make sure to “test” it on an inconspicuous place first just to make sure the oil doesn’t react strangely with the material you treat. You just don’t know what’s in the synthetic materials nowadays!

9. Respiratory Problems 

Eucalyptus essential oil is highly effective for treating respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD, pneumonia and even tuberculosis. Using eucalyptus for asthma is a proven treatment that dilates the blood vessels and allows more oxygen into the lungs. Simply mix eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and coconut oil for a Homemade Vapor Rub, and put on upper chest.

10. Wound Treatment 

Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that are effective at treating wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, sores and scrapes. It also can be made into a salve or healing ointment and put on bug bites and stings. Along with acting as a natural pain reliever to the area, it also keeps the area from getting infected, which speeds healing.

The list goes on, but don’t forget to use eucalyptus on your pets! It’s proven to be safe in pretty much any way that you would use it on yourself. Just be sure to keep it out of eyes and any open wounds!


Benefits of Orange Oil

Have you ever noticed the slight amount of oil that leaches out when cut into an orange or “zested” its skin to use the outer peel in recipes? The strong taste and aroma that come from the oils are exactly what’s concentrated in orange essential oil. A potent formula of orange’s active ingredients is responsible for its healing abilities.

The most prominent active ingredients in orange oil are limonene (which is about 85–96 percent of the extract) and myrcene (0.5–3 percent). Limonene is especially considered a powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage and inflammation that can lead to various diseases. These compounds are considered types of monoterpenes that are a dietary component in many citrus oils that have demonstrated anti-tumor activities.

According to research, the benefits of orange oil include:

  • Fighting cancerous tumors

  • Increasing circulation

  • Killing bacteria and pathogens

  • Decreasing wrinkles

  • Improving complexion

  • Easing anxiety

  • Decreasing hypertension


Rosemary Nutrition Profile

Having an antioxidant ORAC value of 3,300, rosemary has the same free radical fighting power as goji berries! The chemical in rosemary primarily responsible for this is carnosol, a phenolic diterpene also found in mountain desert sage.

In addition to being a rich antioxidant, carnosol is also known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, which help explain why rosemary essential oil is so potent. According to a recent article published in the journal Cancer Letters, “Carnosol has been evaluated for anti-cancer property in prostate, breast, skin, leukemia, and colon cancer with promising results!”

It has also been discovered that carnosol targets cells to reduce inflammation and can also:

  • Balance androgen and estrogen in the body

  • Lower DHT (dihyroxytestosterone) improving hair growth and prostate health

  • Reduce cancer risk

  • Increase nerve growth factor healing nerve tissue

According to researchers, “It has a selective toxicity towards cancer cells versus non-tumorigenic cells and is well tolerated when administered to animals.” In other words, carnosol acts like a military sniper who only takes out his enemy target and doesn’t damage neighboring cells like the chemotherapy nuclear-bomb approach, which kills everything along its path

Top 4 Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits

In addition to reversing inflammation and halting the growth of cancer cells, research has uncovered that rosemary essential oil is also highly effective in several other areas.

1. Rosemary Oil Benefits Hair Growth 

When applied over the scalp rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth. Many people also claim that it can prevent baldness, slows graying, and can be used to treat dandruff and dry scalp. After testing a hair lotion that he patented, Francesc Casadó Galcerá found that a mixture of hops, rosemary, and swertia and found some pretty remarkable results:

  • A 22.4% increases in new hair growth.

  • An increase in “rapid” hair growth.

  • An increase in microcirculation of the scalp, which promotes healing.

  • An improvement in the ability of hair to resist traction.

  • A decrease in hair loss after shampooing.

To experience how rosemary oil benefits hair growth try using this homemade DIY Rosemary Mint Shampoo recipe.

2. Rosemary Improves Memory

“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance, pray you love, remember.”

~ Ophelia (Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”)

Worn by Greek scholars to enhance their memory when taking exams, the mental strengthening ability of rosemary has been known for thousands of years. The International Journal of Neuroscience published a study highlighting this phenomenon.

Upon evaluating how the cognitive performance of 144 participants was affected by rosemary oil aromatherapy, lavender oil aromatherapy, and controls University of Northumbria, Newcastle researchers discovered that,

  • Probably due to its significant calming effect, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks.”

  • “Rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”

  • Rosemary helped people become more alert.

  • Lavender and rosemary helped produced a feeling of “contentment” in the volunteers.

Affecting much more than memory, studies have also known that rosemary essential oil can help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Published in Psychogeriatrics, the effects of aromatherapy were tested on 28 elderly people with dementia (17 of whom had Alzheimer’s).

After inhaling the vapor of rosemary and lemon in the morning, and lavender and orange in the evening various functional assessments were conducted and all patients “patients showed significant improvement in personal orientation” and no one experienced any side effects.

3. Liver Detoxification and Gallbladder Function

Traditionally used for its ability to help with gastrointestinal complaints, rosemary is also a fantastic detoxifier. Studies have been done in India uncovering how supplementing with rosemary greatly enhances your body’s bile flow (which is essential for fat metabolism and detoxification) and reduces plasma liver enzymes (which has been linked to type II diabetes).

Essentially, by helping enhance the performance of the bile-producing gallbladder (as well as balancing out the microflora in your gut) proper peristaltic activity is promoted, which boosting nutrient absorption and helps reverse/prevent toxic overload.

4. Rosemary Lowers Cortisol

A study was conducted out of Meikai University, School of Dentistry in Japan that interestingly evaluated how 5 minutes of lavender and rosemary aromatherapy affected the salivary cortisol levels (the “stress” hormone) of 22 healthy volunteers.

Upon observing that both essential oils enhance free radical scavenging activity, they also discovered that both greatly reduced cortisol levels, which protects the body from chronic disease due to oxidative stress.

Best Rosemary Oil Uses

As you can see from the research, rosemary essential oil is effective and safe to use in a variety of ways. When it comes to implementing them into your natural health regimen, I recommend the following do-it-yourself recipes:

Improve Memory – Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 tsp of coconut oil and rub on upper neck or diffuse for 1 hour a day.

Hair Thickener – Put 5 drops of rosemary oil on scalp and massage in after showers or use my homemade rosemary mint shampoo recipe.

Heal Prostate – Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 tsp of carrier oil and rub beneath testicles.

Reduce Pain – Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1 tsp of coconut oil and rub on sore muscles and painful joints.

Improve Gallbladder Function – Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 1/4 tsp of coconut oil and rub over gallbladder area 2x daily.

Heal Neuropathy and Neuralgia – Take 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of helichrysum oil, 2 drops of cypress oil and 1/2 tsp of a carrier oil and rub on area of neuropathy.

Note, it is also recommended that you do not use on children under 4 years of age. With children, we recommend you consider using frankincense oil instead for many conditions. Make sure that you consult with your natural healthcare provider before making it part of your kids’ routine.



Radha Beauty Aromatherapy 16 Essential Oils Lavender, teatree, peppermint, lemongrass, orange, eucalyptus, rosemary, frankincense, bergamot, ylang, patchouli, geranium, grapefruit, cinnamon, sage


by Radha Beauty

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